Coldingham Village
Additional information in conjunction with selected information that may also be found on the home page that falls under a community umbrella.
Luckenbooths were lockable merchant stalls found in Edinburgh in the middle ages. It was chosen as the name of this building because it reflects the way that a lockable post office is incorporated into a community space.
The Luckenbooth is owned by Coldingham Sands Community Company. The Company is a charity that promotes sustainable development within Coldingham and St Abbs.
Following the unexpected closure of Coldingham's post office in 2009, the Community Company developed plans to combine a new post office with an interpretation centre. The vision was supported by Friends of Coldingham Priory and Scottish Borders Council.
This building would not have been possible without the hard work of the Directors and Members of the Coldingham Sands Community Company plus many local people and organisations.
It was designed by Bain Swan Architects and built by Alan Cook - their contributions went far beyond their contractural obligations. Thanks are also due to the many commired local building subcontractors.
The Luckenbooth project was made possible because of financial support from:
Scottish Borders Leader Programme
Future Balance and VIRIDOR Credits
SBC Community Grant Scheme
SBC Landfill Communities Fund
Berwickshire Community Council Forum (Environmental)
Berwickshire Association for Voluntary Services
Coldingham Organisations and Businesses
The Luckenbooth closed as a Post Office in the Summer of 2024. It has since reopened as the Luckenbooth Coffee Shop
Meeting dates, Approved/Draft minutes and much more ...
The All New Community Council site where the content is solely managed by the community council. This should keep you fully up to date with decisions made and actions taken by all parties. (Everything being open and transparent)
All the information you require can be found on the CC site. There are many other available options besides the two below but they will help you get started.
Monthly meeting dates and other relevant information such as local road closures for example can also be found on the event calendar.
Coldingham Gala is East Berwickshire’s premier summer country gala, taking place on the last Sunday in July each year.
Varied programme from Live Stage Acts, Craft Stalls, Car Boot, Funfair Rides, Fun Dog Show , Free Magic Show, Raffle Prizes and much more. You can book a stall in the Marquee, book a car boot space or provide catering.
All the details on how to book etc. can be found on the gala page.
Images from previous year and additional options can be found on the Gala Card on the home page.
Coldingham and St Abbs Fuel Club is a local buying group for fuel oil set up to negotiate bulk purchase discounts with the fuel companies.
It's free to sign up and you will make a saving on the price you pay per litre.
All the information you require can be found on the Fuel Club Page.
Search on family name or stone inscription by entering multiple string patterns. (Gravestome Image and approximate location subsequently displayed).
The work of recording the information, approximately 2011, was carried out by Friends of Coldingham Priory and members of Borders Family History Society (BFHS).
More information and full details on how to search is provided on the respective pages. This may well be of some assistance you in tracing your family history.
Please note that each page will take a few seconds to load (quite simply large)
The full inscription will be display together with an image of the row containing the gravestone in the cemetary.
The last Thursday of the month in the Village Hall, your local cinema.
You will find out everything you need to know about the film club by visting their home page. The Up and Coming films with more information on each film than ever before with each film having a small video trailer where available. You can also see what you may have missed.
The Film Club has its own Home Page
The Friends of Coldingham Priory were formed in 2000 following celebration of the 900th anniversary of the Founding Charter.
Today this Category A listed building is a living church of the Church of Scotland.
Friends can belong to any denomination or none.
The charity’s aims are to promote the historical and architectural importance of the Priory and to work toward improving the Priory and its surroundings.
The Friends welcome visitors at open afternoons in the summer and organise concerts and exhibitions. Members of The Friends act as volunteer stewards at these times and raise funds for improvements.
We welcome new members and any financial contributions to the Friends work.
One of the main activities is the staffing the Priory on Wednesday afternoons during the summer months when it is open to the public.
To find our more information on Friends of the Priory and how to become a member then please visit their website.
The Church of Scotland Parish of Coldingham & St Abbs is linked with nearby Eyemouth Parish. The two congregations of Eyemouth and Coldingham & St Abbs share a common vision for our happily linked parishes. The linkage has been in place now since 1986.
In 2006 when the St Abbs congregation fell to single figures the decision was taken to close the church building at St Abbs and for the congregation to unite with Coldingham.
The merger with St Abbs and the linkage with Eyemouth have meant that the Parish had significant financial resources from the sale some years ago of St Abbs’ church and the Coldingham Manse, and this has permitted the recent renovation of the Priory Church to provide modern facilities.
You will find more information on the Parish on their website.
We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from September to May at 7pm in the Village Hall and new members are always welcome. You will find our syllabus in the Village Hall Events section of the village website. If you are new to the village it is a great way to get to know people. We usually have a guest speaker or demonstration workshop at our meetings and also arrange groups to see Eyemouth Variety Group's Panto and Spring Musical Show. If you thought the 'Rural' was all Jam and Jerusalem come along and we'll prove you were wrong. You don't even have to sing!
If you would like any further details please email our Secretary, Details below.
We are a friendly group and look forward to welcoming you.
The Coldingham Society is a registered charity and was established with the following charitable aims:
a) To advance the education of the public in the history and culture of the area of Coldingham
b) To advance citizenship and community development by promoting civic responsibility, volunteering and the voluntary sector among Coldingham groups and clubs which support the skills and well-being of their members and the wider community.
Mainly through the successful work of the volunteers who operate the Coldingham Bookshop, the Society are in a position to award small cash grants to local groups and organisations whose activity contributes to the charitable aims as set out above.
Membership is free and open to all. It also acts as an umbrella organisation for the Garden Party, a group of ladies who maintain the War Memorial garden amd other public areas around the village and the Bookshop who sell donated quality books to raise funds for various village projects.
For Community Groups and Projects benefiting Cockburnspath & Cove, Coldingham, Grantshouse, Reston and Auchencrow.
Grants available of up to £10000
Applictions are managed by the Community Council. Please visit their site for further details.
Useful background reading and links
Coldingham Ukuleles meet every Tuesday from 7pm to 8.30pm at The Priory, Coldingham. Everybody is welcome to learn, play and sing along in this wonderful setting.
Our song book is displayed by projector onto a large screen.
More Information
It's free to park all year round in Coldingham.
Car Parks can be found in a few places in and around the village.
Car Park Locations
Coldingham Luckenbooth - short term parking, ideal for Village Hall, Luckenbooth and Priory visits
Priors Walk - ample free parking next to Doctors Surgery. Bottle Bank recycling in this car park.
Fishers Brae - limited free parking.
Coldingham Bay - large free car park at top of slip road. Two disable bays at bottom of slip road. Public Toilets will be found at bottom of slip road.
if you feel there should be more on this page that would benefit the community then simply complete the contact form with the appropriate details